Boy Scouts and Mic-O-Say

I became interested in this topic more seriously when a member of the community began to reach out to me for help in getting a local Boy Scout Troop to cease sponsoring the Mic-O-Say activities.

Kansas City "Chiefs"

The use of American Indian imagery and mascots by the Kansas City professional football team has bothered me and many in the Urban American Indian Community. American Indians have been protesting this for years and have suffered racial insults from Kansas Citians in the process.

"The Chief"

H. Roe Bartle is at the center of the controversy in both the naming of the Kansas City Chief and in the development of the Boy Scout Mic-O-Say movement.

Stolen Valor

In the process of researching the history of H. Roe Bartle, and how he came to be called "The Chief", I ran across this article on the Public Library's website. "Death of "The Chief". the article claims that Bartle served in the Navy in World War I. He doesn't appear on the rosters of sailors or marines in the rosters from World War I. In fact, he did not graduate from High School until 1 1/2 years following the Armistice on November 11th, 1918. I don't know if he ever claimed to have served in the Navy, but I don't find any evidence to support that he actually did serve. There is a legend that he ran away to join the Army at the outbreak of WWI, but because he was only 13, his Dad retreived him from the recruitment station. Any enlistment he might have made, would have been voided.