With this website you ought to be able to decipher which statistical test you need to use in order to successfully analyze your data.

Before you start you need to know a few things about the data you are  going to analyze.

If you have categories you will probably know it and not make the mistake of trying to find an "average" race just because your nominal data happened to be delivered to you in numeric formats.  For example, What is your sex? might be recorded in large datasets as 0, 1 instead of Male, Female, since it takes many times more bytes to write Male vs 0 or Female as opposed to 1.

If you have a number variable and it is interval level or higher, then you want to do some tests to your data before you proceed with deciding which test to  use.  Ordinal data is always nonparametric.

If you are not Sure....click on the link below and when you have ascertained the normality of you data, come back here to continue.

Is my Data Normal?

Once you have decided the normality question (for some of us it is a life-long quest), CLICK HERE to systematically walk through the steps of deciding your statistical test, step by step...

Bob Prue