The Water Cycle Lesson

    The water cycle concept was difficult for my second-graders to grasp, but persistence and effective inquiry helped us through!  This lesson provided fun activities that provided the necessary foundation for future weather lessons.

    The graphics used during the Exploration Phase were effective in promoting recall.  In addition, the experiments with condensation and evaporation were engaging and worthwhile.  Students enjoyed the hands-on activity and openly asked questions amongst their group members.

    The Concept Introduction Phase began with whole group discussion.  This time together as a class allowed me to understand what background knowledge, if any, the students had with the concept.  After discussion, students were (re)introduced to the key terms: precipitation, condensation, evaporation, and transpiration.  Although the students admitted to not using the terms in their everyday language, they were not intimidated by the terms.  At the conclusion of the Concept Introduction Phase, I felt comfortable that my students could use the key terms appropriately.

    The Application Phase was fun.  My initial plans called for a seed rather than a seedling in creating a terrarium.  Realizing that this would only be effective if I were full-time teacher, I decided to use the seedling.  In this way, we could see the results of our terrarium by the following day.  The quick turn around allowed students to more immediately apply their knowledge of the water cycle concept. 

     I plan to use this lesson in my future classroom.  I will undoubtedly fine tune the Exploration Phase with additional experiments before moving onto the Concept Introduction Phase; however it was a good lesson overall.