Roger Alan Pick Syllabi

Overview of Course Syllabi

My syllabi serve as guides to the students. They are a primary instrument of fairness. A course syllabus tells the students what the course is trying to accomplish and how we are going to accomplish it. The syllabus sets out the expectations and grading standards, provides a schedule, and also tries to prevent problems from occurring.

As an example of the latter, students often explain to me (usually slowly, to make sure that I understand it) how hard they have worked and what grade they need in the class. In response to this, my syllabi now include a sentence on the lack of a direct relationship among need, effort, and grades and the importance of an intervening variable: performance. Virtually every policy in my syllabi was drafted to prevent a problem that occurred in the past from reoccurring.

Syllabi for Current and Recently-taught Courses:

Older Syllabi:

A complete list of courses taught is available.

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Contact me at; or
Bloch Business School, University of Missouri - Kansas City,
5110 Cherry Street, Kansas City, MO, 64110-2499 US; or
(816) 235-2336.
Last Updated: 11 July 2007
© Copyright 2003-2007 Roger Alan Pick.